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origin trespasser. nature vigilant. size slender. boundary seaworn condo.


uncommon traits none

rare traits none

nature features beach morning glory (ipomoea imperati)



You probably wouldn't have given me a passing thought, before the transformation. Just another grieving old sailor's wife, staring out the window of a dirty apartment at the rain on the sea. No amount of roaming the ocean in my new form would bring them back to me. This transformation is a curse born of pity for an old woman.


Seaworn Condo

Now this run-down, windswept condo and its beach are more my home than ever before. No living human is welcome here. Nor do any of them stay for long.

original form. losing their way. meeting the esk. the transformation. the other.

their purpose. the threshold. their haunt.

shaping their environment.

first time outside their boundary.


Maeve's story.


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